Our good friend and endorser, Casey Cangelosi (James Madison University), brings clarity to the difference between polyrhythms and polymeters. CLICK IMAGE TO WATCH VIDEO
NEW! Educational Essentials Guide
For some, selecting the right gear can be a daunting task! But don’t worry, we have developed a tool to help make selecting the perfect product both quick and easy… CLICK HERE to access our new “Educational Essentials” guide where you’ll be able to view…
Kudos to Dr. John Baldwin!
We want to personally congratulate and thank Dr. John Baldwin for his 50 years of service to Boise State University, the Boise Philharmonic and to the percussion world itself! John has been a tireless advocate of the percussive arts. As a musician, educator and scholar…
TMEA – A “Smashing” Success !
We recently returned from the Texas Music Educators Association annual convention where our display of products became a central meeting spot for both percussionists and music educators. Our three storage cases on display for the first time, and, they created quite a stir! The booth…
Tour Our PASIC Exhibit
Questions To Ask When Learning A Piece Of Music
Unless you have a) learned all the music there is to learn in this world, or b) chosen that you don’t want to learn any more music in your lifetime, then learning new music is in your future! As an active performer, I’m constantly learning…
Finding the “Sweet Spot”
Professional percussionists often mark the “sweet spot” on instruments. This “targeting” helps percussionists to consistently sound their best. I have always placed light pencil marks on accessories such as cymbals, woodblocks and even triangles! Click the image to watch a short video demonstration…
Mark Shelton To Present At FMEA
Our good friend, Mark Shelton, will be presenting this January at the Florida Music Education Association Convention in Tampa. Mark’s presentation, Teaching Improvisation With The Drum Circle, will be an informative, entertaining look into the issues facing young students wishing to learn the art of rhythmic…
Percussion Quick Tip: Play Fast Tambourine Passages
When it comes to playing loud, fast passages on tambourine, especially when the tempo is too fast to play using one hand, the fist/knee technique proves invaluable! CLICK THE IMAGE TO LEARN MORE…
Career Possibilities: What a Music Degree Doesn’t Tell You
Many music programs across the U.S. continue to perpetuate unrealistic assumptions about being a music performer, while few musicians ever achieve a sustainable income solely from music performance. There are fewer full-time positions for conservatory-trained performers than ever before, as local music organizations continue to…