Grover Pro chime mallets were designed 30 years ago specifically with flat handles – and for good reason! To strike the capped end of a chime tube “square on” you must be able to orient the chime mallet head directly at a right angle to the chime tube. Chimes are difficult to play, especially since it is hard to watch the conductor, read the music and look at your hands at the same time. It’s important to be able to FEEL the precise orientation of the cylindrical head WITHOUT having to look at the mallet.
What about the newer “round” head chime mallets, you ask? I hate to tell you that using an overgrown glock mallet to play chimes just makes no sense. It does NOTHING to benefit the sound and a round head adds having to worry about hitting the cap with a “glancing blow”. Using a round mallet head on a flat glock or xylo bar makes sense, using it on a round tube cap does not. Try playing 10 notes in a row at the same dynamic level with one of those overgrown billiard ball mallets. Get it now? They may be less costly to manufacture, but that won’t help you play chimes with accuracy and consistency!
Check out this video demonstrating how our “flat” Two-Tone Chime Mallet handle serves an important functional design feature. We manufacture the ONLY flat handle chime mallets available, we take chimes that serious…
In addition, each mallet features two different playing surfaces, hard & medium. (Does your giant glock mallet have that?) And, our mallets cost less than those others also!
After all, you don’t want to be stuck home alone and not have the right chime mallets…do you?
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