Here’s a true story we received from a young percussionist in Florida. Apparently our German Silver jingles were having an quite an affect on her alarm system when she practices! You can’t make this stuff up.
“I was just practicing tambourine and I set off my house alarm with one of your tambourines (10″ German Silver double-row). I have glass break sensors on my windows and apparently a tambourine roll on that instrument sounds like glass breaking (in that room anyway). I do have some glass bottles in there, but they didn’t break, so I’m pretty sure it was the tambourine.
Caution for anyone else out there with glass break sensors on their windows. LOL!
I did not try the other room, so I’m not sure if it was solely the tambourine or the way the sound was bouncing off the walls in that room (it’s not very big). It certainly was big contributor to me nearly jumping out of my skin.”

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